
第17章 海之滨

At the Edge of the Sea

蕾切尔·卡逊 / Rachel Carson

The shore is an ancient world, for as long as there has been an earth and sea there has been this place of the meeting of land and water. Yet it is a world that keeps alive the sense of continuing creation and of the relentless drive of life. Each time that I enter it, I gain some new awareness of its beauty and its deeper meanings, sensing that intricate fabric of life by which one creature is linked with another, and each with its surroundings.

In my thoughts of the shore, one place stands apart for its revelation of exquisite beauty. It is a pool hidden within a cave that one can visit only rarely and brief?ly when the lowest of the year’s low tides fall below it, and perhaps from that very fact it acquires some of its special beauty. Choosing such a tide, I hoped for a glimpse of the pool. The ebb was to fall early in the morning. I knew that if the wind held from the northwest and no interfering swell ran in from a distant storm the level of the sea should drop below the entrance to the pool. There had been sudden ominous showers in the night, with rain like handfuls of gravel f?lung on the roof. When I looked out into the early morning the sky was full of a gray dawn light but the sun had not yet risen. Water and air were pallid. Across the bay the moon was a luminous disc in the western sky, suspended above the dim line of distant shore the full August moon, drawing the tide to the low, low levels of the threshold of the alien sea world. As I watched, a gull f?lew by, above the spruces. Its breast was rosy with the light of the unrisen sun. The day was, after all, to be fair.

Later, as I stood above the tide near the entrance to the pool, the promise of that rosy light was sustained. From the base of the steep wall of rock on which I stood, a moss-covered ledge jutted seaward into deep water. In the surge at the rim of the ledge the dark fronds of oarweeds swayed smooth and gleaming as leather. The projecting ledge was the path to the small hidden cave and its pool. Occasionally a swell, stronger than the rest, rolled smoothly over the rim and broke in foam against the cliff. But the intervals between such swells were long enough to admit me to the ledge and long enough for a glimpse of that fairy pool, so seldom and so brief?ly exposed.

And so I knelt on the wet carpet of sea moss and looked back into the dark cavern that held the pool in a shallow basin. The f?loor of the cave was only a few inches below the roof, and a mirror had been created in which all that grew on the ceiling was ref?lected in the still water below.

Under water that was clear as glass the pool was carpeted with green sponge. Gray patches of sea squirts glistened on the ceiling and colonies of raft coral were a pale apricot color. In the moment when I looked into the cave a little elf?in starf?ish hung down, suspended by the merest thread, perhaps by only a single tube foot. It reached down to touch its own ref?lection, so perfectly delineated that there might have been, not one starf?ish, but two. The beauty of the ref?lected images and of the limpid pool itself was the poignant beauty of things that are ephemeral, existing only until the sea should return to f?ill the little cave.







1. In my thoughts of the , one place stands apart for its revelation of exquisite . It is a pool hidden a cave that one can visit only rarely brief?ly when the lowest of the year’s low tides below it, and perhaps from that very it acquires some of its special beauty.

2. , as I stood above the tide near the entrance to the pool, the promise of that rosy was sustained. From the base of the steep of rock on which I stood, a moss-covered ledge jutted seaward into deep . In the surge at the rim of the ledge the dark fronds of oarweeds swayed smooth and gleaming leather.


1. 夜里突然下了几场预示不祥的阵雨,把碎石般的雨点一把把地抛到屋顶上。

2. 一轮明月挂在海湾对面的西天上,月下灰暗的一线就是远方的海岸。

3. 它平时不露面,露面也只是一瞬间。


1. For as long as there has been an earth and sea there has been this place of the meeting of land and water.

as long as:只要

2. In the moment when I looked into the cave a little elf?in starf?ish hung down.

in the moment:与此同时

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