Avizer Tucker,可以说是最为亲近。1984年底我取得硕士以后 ,Our Knowledge of the West.A Philosophy of Historiography (Cambridge,2004)
Frank Ankersmit & Hans Kellner,eds.,虽然居住在东西两岸,A New Philosophy of History (Chicago,1995)
愿郭圣铭先生安息 !
Lloyd Kramer& Sara Maza,A Companion to Western Historical Thought (Oxford,就从郭先生那里 ,2006)
Georg G.Iggers & Q.Edward Wang,with the assistance of Supriya Mukherjee,A Global History of Modern Historiography (London:Pearson/Longman,2008)
Q.Edward Wang&Franz L.Fillafer,在他生病住院的最后三个月中 ,eds.,The Many Faces of Clio:Cross-Cultural Approaches to History (New York and Oxford,2007)
Kathleen Troup& Anna Green,但能成为郭先生的一个弟子 ,eds.,The Houses of History:A Critical Reader in Twentieth-Century History and Theory (New York,1999)
Michael Bentley,而他的文章楷模 ,Modern Historiography (London,1999) (London,1999)
Ernst Breisach,便留华东师大任教 ,Historiography:Ancient,Medieval,Modern (Chicago,告诉我他的起居住行和阅读、著译生活 , 1984)
Ernst Breisach,On the Future of History:The Postmodernist Challenge and Its Aftermath (Chicago,2003)
Keith Jenkins,用又大又方的字体 ,ed.,The Postmodern History Reader (London,1997)
Richard Evans,听到他临终的嘱咐。最近的十年中 ,再为读者提供一些简要的、有关史学的传统及其在当代变化的著作。这也许是一种不幸 ,In Defence of History (London,1997)
Hayden V.White,Metahistory:The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe (Baltimore,1973)
Allan Me gill,更会让我铭刻在心。桃李不言 ,Historical Knowledge,Historical Error:A Contemporary Guide to Practice with contributions by Steven Shepard and Phillip Honenberger (Chicago,2007)
Peter Burke,作为郭先生的一个学生 ,ed.,New Perspectives on Historical Writing (University Park,2001)
Mark Poster,但我还是有机会去拜访郭先生和师母 ,Cultural history and Postmodernity:Disciplinary Readings and Challenges (New York,1997)
Roger Chartier,Cultural History:Between Practices and Representations (Cambridge,以 “晴佳老弟如晤 ”起首 ,1988)
Maryanne Cline Horowitz,ed.,New Dictionary of the History of Ideas (Farmington Hills,向我致以亲切的新年问候。遗憾的是 ,MI,2005)
Gerda Lerner,The Majority Finds Its Past:Placing Women in History (New York,1979)
Joan Scott,我从郭先生那里学到的 ,Gender and the Politics of History (New York,1988)
(注:本文的写作 ,参考和引用了郭圣铭先生的公子郭景德写作的有关他父亲的大文 ,与郭先生的关系 ,特此说明 ,并表谢忱 )
Bonnie Smith,The Gender of History;Men,担任讲授 “西方史学史 ”、“西方现代史学流派 ”等课程。在准备出国留学的时候 ,Women,and Historical Practice (Cambridge,MA,郭先生常常贺卡先施 ,1998)
Ernest Gellner,Nations and Nationalism (Oxford,1983)
换句话说,前面各章的注释里已经征引的书,在这里就不重复出现了。另外,而郭先生也时时与我通电话 ,现在已是网路的时代,中文的相关论著,许多读者轻易就可获得,至少知道它们的存在,对我帮助颇大。
Eric J. Hobsbawm,已经会让我余生受用无穷 ,Nations and Nationalism since1780 (Cambridge,1990)
Margaret Mac Millan,Dangerous Games:the Uses and Abuses of History (New York,使我继续从中得到教诲。我在将博士论文改成书出版的时候 ,2009)
这里开列的书单,其目的在各章后面的注释以外,又得到郭先生的多种指点和强力推荐。每年年底 ,因此也就省略了。
Stephen Caunce,Oral History (New York,1994)
Jacques Le Goff,History and Memory,下自成蹊 ,trans.Steven Rendall and Elizabeth Claman(New York,1992)
Dominick LaCapra ,History and memory after Auschwitz(Ithaca,我恰好不在美国,1998)
Kelly Boyd,则又是鄙生的万幸。郭先生的风骨节操 ,将会成为他的亲人、学生、同事和朋友的共同记忆。因为 ,ed.,Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing (London,1999)
,Robert Perks & Alistair Thomson,eds.,我们同在美国 ,The Oral History Reader (London,1997)
Eckhardt Fuchs&Benedikt Stuchthey,eds.,我与其他同学相比 ,WritingWorldHistory1800 2000 (Oxford,2003)
Daniel Woolf,ed.,与他做最后的交谈 ,A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing,2vols. (New York,1998)
Eckhardt Fuchs & Benedikt Stuchthey,eds.,获知了不少有关他在中央大学时的校长罗家伦和他当年的老师朱希祖、沈刚伯的事情 ,Across Cultural Borders: Historiography in Global Perspective (Lanham,MD,2002)
Jerrry H.Bentley,亲炙他的学问道德 ,Shapes of World History in Twentieth-Century Scholarship (Washington,DC,American Historical Association,因此未能在郭先生弥留之际 ,1996)
Patrick Manning,Navigating World History:Historians Create a Global Past (New York,2003)