埃玛又笑了,说道:“没问题, Emma and her seeing-eye dog,我们带上密斯一起去。”
1. For 3 days straight, the___ swirled and billowed, burying the isolated campus. Here and____stray groups of students struggled single file against the_____, like ducklings following their mother_____ a road.
2. She went into her____and returned moments later with a____ on a harness. The girls lined____ obediently at the front door, ready to___ the cold. They each placed their hands on the____ of the girl in front of them.
1. 1966年, led her troop of hungry ducks to the cafeteria.
2. 第三个女生的眼睛一亮。
3. 她们穿戴好,一群人激动地朝埃玛的房间走去。
第三个女生的眼睛一亮,“嘘”了一声,And with that,室内的抱怨声便停止了。然后,她兴奋地说道:“埃玛能够看得见。”
1. The fimale students in dormitory B were confronted with the same problem...
be confronted with:面临(危险、困难等)
2. They bundled up and excitedly trooped down the hall to Emma’s room.
bundle up:使穿暖;把……捆扎
Learning How to Be Roommates
女生们非常高兴,笑语喧哗,鼓起掌来。校园里,到处是迷了路的学生,他们排成一队与恶劣的天气抗争着, Missy,就像躲在妈妈身后的小鸭子横过马路一样。她们穿戴好,将整个校园困在大雪之中,一群人激动地朝埃玛的房间走去。她们在楼道中发现了埃玛,在她打开寝室的门之前,这群女生就把她围了起来。
埃尔莎?林奇 / Elas Lyunch
I was never very neat. Later in life I learned to attribute this flaw to my creative genius, saying that my bouts of disorganization were simply the flip side of my unique gifts and talents. Yet, when I arrived at college,暴风雪盘旋翻腾, I hadn’t come up with any impressive reasons for my big messes. They just were—and my roommate didn’t seem to appreciate their contribution to my bright future.
I’m not sure why they stuck us together. I don’t think they could have possibly picked 2 more different people to room together. Kim was extremely organized. She labeled everything and each item she owned had its place. She even had one of those cute little pencil holders—and used it! Mine had become a collection spot for bits and pieces of paper, odds and ends. I think one pen may have found its way into the pencil holder but I certainly didn’t put it there.
Kim and I fed off each other. She got neater and I got messier. She would complain about my dirty clothes, I would complain about Lysol headaches. She would nudge my clothing over to one side and I would lay one of my books on her uncluttered desk.
It came to a head one fateful October evening. Kim came into the room and had some kind of fit because one of my shoes had found its way (inexplicably) beneath her bed. I didn’t know what was so significant about that shoe but it infuriated her! She picked it up, tossed it toward my side of the room and managed to knock my lamp onto the floor. The light bulb shattered, covering the layer of clothes I had been planning to fold that very night. I leapt off the bed in horror and immediately started yelling about her insensitivity and rudeness. She yelled back similar frustrations and we each ended up pushing toward the door to be the first to slam our way out of the room.