
第5章 Waterloo Bridge (1)


Every parting from you is like a little eternity.


You must spend the whole of your life in forty-eight hours.


Myra goes to the Candlelight Club to meet Roy there.

Selected Scene 1:


Roy:Oh,hello. I’m delighted. I was afraid Kitty had directed you to the wrong place.

Myra:Oh,no,but your note was read out before the whole crowd.

Roy:Were you embarrassed?

Myra:Yes,and so would you have been.

Roy:I dare say. I’m afraid I’ve made it difficult for you.

Myra:Well,you gave up the colonel,so I expect I made it difficult for you too.

Roy:Yes,you did,but I have my reward. It was wonderful of you to have come. Shall we go in?

Myra:All right.

They go into the club,choose a table,then sit down.

Roy:How nice you look.

Myra:Thank you.

Roy:What do dancers eat?

Myra:Oh,dull things mostly. Nutritious yet not fattening.

Roy:Oh,no,not tonight. (To waiter) What could you suggest that would be particularly rich and indigestible?

Waiter:The crepes is very nice,sir.

Roy:And wine. It isn’t against the rules for a dancer to drink a little light wine,is it?


Roy:Good,Number Forty please.

Waiter:Number Forty.

Roy:The ballet was beautiful.

Myra:Madame didn’t think so.

Roy:Well,experts never know,it takes outsiders to know,and I tell you it was beautiful.

Myra:That certainly proves you’re an outsider.

Roy:Are you... glad to see me again?


Roy:I sense a reservation.

Myra:Well,I suppose there is one.


Myra:What’s the good of it?

Roy:You’re a strange girl,aren’t you?What’s the good of anything?What’s the good of living?

Myra:That’s a question,too.

Roy:Oh,now wait a minute now,I’m not going to let you get away with that. The wonderful thing about living is that this sort of thing can happen. In the shadow of a death raid,I can meet you and feel more intensely alive than walking around in peacetime and taking my life for granted.

Myra:It’s a high price to pay for it.

Roy:I don’t think so.

Myra:I do. Do people have to kill each other to give them a heightened sense of life?

Roy:That’s got nothing to do with people killing each other. Either you’re excited about life or you’re not. You know I’ve never been able to wait for the future. When I was very young,a child in fact,I climbed to the top branch of a high tall,stood like a diver,and announced to my horrified governess,now I shall take a leap into the future,and jumped. I was in the hospital for two months.

Myra:You should let the future catch up with you more slowly.

Roy:Oh,no,no,never. Temperament. I can’t help it. Look here,if we’d met in ordinary times in an ordinary way,we’d just about be telling each other what schools we went to. We’re much further along,don’t you think?

Myra:Are we?

Roy:You know we are. Now,I’m too excited to eat,let’s dance.

Myra:All right.

They dance,looking into the eyes of each other. Minutes later,they are back to their seats,Roy raises his cup.

Roy:To you.

Myra:Thank you.

Roy:To us. I still don’t get it,not quite.


Roy:Your face. It’s all youth,all beauty.

Myra:What is it you still don’t get?

Roy:You know when I left you this afternoon I couldn’t remember what you looked like,not for the life of me. I thought,was she pretty?Was she ugly?What was she like,I couldn’t remember. I simply had to get to that theater tonight to see what you looked like.

Myra:And do you think you’ll remember me now?

Roy:I think so. I think so,for the rest of my life.

Myra:But,what is it about me you still don’t get?

Man:Ladies and gentlemen,we now come to the last dance of the evening. I hope you will enjoy“The Farewell Waltz. ”

Roy:I’ll tell you later. Let’s dance now.

The candles go out one by one. Their whole world is surrounded by the softness of music.

Myra:What does it mean,these candles?

Roy:You’ll find out.

Now the night is late,they are on the way back to Myra’s residence.

Roy:I’ll write you. Will you answer?

Myra:Of course.

Roy:Wonderful evening,wasn’t it?

Myra:Yes,thank you very much.

Roy:When I come back,we’ll go there again.


Roy:It’ll be our place. That’s where we’ll always recapture this evening. Do you think we’ll ever see each other again?

Myra:I think it’s doubtful,don’t you?

Roy:Yes,I suppose it is.

Myra:What was it that you started to tell me in the restaurant that you didn’t understand about me?

Roy:No use going into it now.

Myra:No,but,tell me please,I’d like to know.

Roy:Well,it struck me as curious ever since I met you,you know,from that very early moment ages ago... that you’re so young,so lovely and... defeatist... I mean you,you don’t seem to expect much from life.

Myra:Well,aren’t I,right?For instance I met you,I liked you,and now so soon we have to part,and,perhaps we will never see each other again.

Roy:You can conceive that than,our never seeing each other again?

Myra:Yes,I can.

Roy:This where you live?


Roy:Nothing to do about it,is there?

Myra:Nothing,except to say goodbye.

Roy:I suppose so.


Roy:Goodbye,Myra dear.


Roy:Keep well.

Myra:Yes,you too,keep well.

Roy:Nothing can happen to me. Your lucky charm will see to that.

Myra:I hope it will,I pray it will. Goodbye.

Roy:Goodbye. Please leave me first.

Myra:All right.

Selected Scene 2:

Dancers:Where’s Myra anyhow?It’s almost 8:00 and we’ve got to get to the theater. I tell you,I just tremble for the poor girl. You’re always trembling. Maybe she went directly to the theater. That’s right,she’s probably waiting for us there. I hope so.

Back in the dormitory,Myra show Kitty a dress she’s just bought.

Kitty:Well,where have you been?I’ve been worried to death. I thought you were with the boy but he phoned a couple of times.

Myra:Oh,did he?I wonder why. He had to go back to the barracks and I went shopping.

Kitty:Hey what’s happened to you,whose dress is that?

Myra:It’s mine.


Myra:Yes,I spent my last penny on it.

Kitty:Are you crazy?

Myra:Yes,quite,quite,and I bought that lovely hat,and shoes,and a bag,and gloves,and oh isn’t it a dream,Kitty,my wedding dress.

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