
第49章 Scent of a Woman (1)


Their spirit is dead,if they ever had one.


This is such a crock of shit!


Selected Scene 1:

Mr. Slade: Get out of here,Charlie.

Charlie: I thought we had a deal.

Mr. Slade: I welched. I’m a welcher. Didn’t I tell you?

Charlie: No,what you told me was that you gave me all the bullets.

Mr. Slade: I lied.

Charlie: Yeah,well,you could have fooled me.

Mr. Slade: And I did. Charlie,how you ever gonna survive in this world without me?

Charlie: Why don’t you just give me the gun,all right? What... What are you doing ?

Mr. Slade: I’m gonna shoot you too. Your life’s finished anyway. Your friend George’s gonna sing like a canary.And so are you. Andonce you’ve sung,Charlie,my boy,you’re gonna take your place on that long,gray line of American manhood. And you will be through.

Charlie: I’d like to disagree with you,Colonel.

Mr. Slade: You’re in no position to disagree with me,boy. I got a loaded 45 here. You got pimples. I’m gonna kill ya,Charlie,because I can’t bear the thought of you sellin’ out!

Charlie: Put the gun down,all right,Colonel?

Mr. Slade: What? You givin’ me an ultimatum?

Charlie: No,I’m ...

Mr. Slade: I give the ultimatums!

Charlie: I’m sorry. All right ? I’m sorry.

Mr. Slade: It’s all right. Charlie. You break my heart,son. All my life I stood up to everyone and everything because it made me feel important. You do it ’cause you mean it. You got integrity,Charlie. I don’t know whether to shoot you or adopt you.

Charlie: Not much of a choice,is it,sir?

Mr. Slade: Aw,don’t get cute now.

Charlie: Colonel,please put the gun away?

Mr. Slade: I asked you a question. Do you want me to adopt ya,or don’t ya?

Charlie: Please ? I mean you’re just in a slump right now.

Mr. Slade: Slump? No slump,Charlie. I’m bad. I’m not bad. No. I’m rotten.

Charlie: You’re not bad. Y-You’re just in pain.

Mr. Slade: What do you know about pain?Hmm? You little snail darter from the Pacific Northwest. What the fuck you know about pain?

Charlie: Let me have the gun,Colonel.

Mr. Slade: No time to grow a dick,son.

Charlie: Just,just give me the gun,all right,Colonel ?

Mr. Slade: I’m talkin’ a parade ground. Ten-hut! Soldier,that was a direct order.

Charlie: Give me the gun?

Mr. Slade: You can stay or you can leave. You understand? Either way,I’m gonna do this thing. Now why don’t you leave and spare yourself?

Charlie: I want your gun,Colonel.

Mr. Slade: I’m gonna give myself a count. You need a count for balance. Five,our...three...two...one. Fuck it.

Charlie: Gimme ! Fuck it!

Mr. Slade: Get out of here !

Charlie: I’m stayin’ right here!

Mr. Slade: Get outta here !

Charlie: I’m stayin’ right here.

Mr. Slade: I’ll blow your fuckin’ head off!

Charlie: Then do it! You want to do it ? Do it! Let’s go.

Mr. Slade: Fuck. Get outta here!

Charlie: You fucked up,all right? So what? So everybody does it. Get on with your life,would ya ?

Mr. Slade: What life? I got no life ! I’m in the dark here! You understand? I’m in the dark !

Charlie: So give up. You want to give up,give up...‘cause I’m givin’up too. You said I’m through. You’re right. We’re both through. It’s all over. So let’s get on with it. Let’s fuckin’ do it. Let’s fuckin’ pull the trigger,you miserable blind mother fucker. Pull the trigger.

Mr. Slade: Here we go,Charlie.

Charlie: I’m ready.

Mr. Slade: You don’t want to die.

Charlie: And neither do you.

Mr. Slade: Give me one reason not to.

Charlie: I’ll give you two. You can dance the tango and drive a Ferrari better than anyone I’ve ever seen.

Mr. Slade: You’ve never seen anyone do either.

Charlie: Give me the gun,Colonel.

Mr. Slade: Oh,where do I go from here,Charlie?

Charlie: If you’re tangled up,just tango on.

Selected Scene 2:

Mr. Slade: But not a snitch!

Mr. Trask: Excuse me?

Mr. Slade: No,I don’t think I will.

Mr. Trask: Mr. Slade.

Mr. Slade: This is such a crock of shit!

Mr. Trask: Please watch your language,Mr. Slade. You are in the Baird school,not a barracks. Mr. Simms,I will give you one final opportunity to speak up.

Mr. Slade: Mr. Simms doesn’t want it. He doesn’t need to be labeled... Still worthy of being a Baird-man. What the hell is that? What is your motto here? Boys,inform on your classmates,save your hide; anything short of that,we’re gonna burn you at the stake? Well,gentlemen. When the shit hits the fan,some guys run and some guys stay. Here’s Gharlie facin’ the fire,and there’s George hiding in big daddy’s pocket. And what are you doing? You’re gonna reward George and destroy Charlie.

Mr. Trask: Are you finished,Mr. Slade?

Mr. Slade: No. I am just getting warmed up. I don’t know who went to this place. William Haward Taft,William Jennings Bryant,William Tell,whoever. Their spirit is dead,if they ever had one. It’s gone. You’re building a rat ship here,a vessel for seagoing snitches. And if you think you’re preparing these minnows for manhood,you better think again,because I say you are killing the very spirit,this institution proclaims it instills,What a shame! What kind of a show are you guys putting on here today? I mean,the only class in this act is sitting next to me. I’m here to tell you this boy’s soul is intact. It’s non negotiable. You know how I know? Someone here,and I’m not gonna say who,offered to buy. Only Charlie here wasn’t selling.

Mr. Trask: Sir,you’re out of order!

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