
第37章 Mr.Holland’s Opus (3)

第一章 The Bridges of Madison County


You’ve got to know deep down that the minute we leave here,everything will change.


I’ll say this once. I never said it before. This kind of certainty comes just once in a lifetime.


Selected Scene 1:

Robert:Where’s your family?

Francesca:My husband took the kids to the Illinois State Fair for my daughter’s Entrance Prize steer.

Robert:How old ?

Francesca:Oh,a year and half.

Robert:No,you know,I mean kids.

Francesca:Oh,Michael is 17,and Carolyn is 16.

Robert:It’s nice to have kids.

Francesca:Yea,but they are not kids any more. Things change.

Robert:They always do. One the law of nature. Most people are afraid of change,but if you look at it like it’s something that can always count on,then it can be a comfort.It doesn’t have many things that you can count on.

Francesca:Ah,I guess l’m one of those people that frightens anything.

Robert:No,I doubt that.

Francesca:Why did you say that?

Robert:From Italy to Iowa,that’s a big change.

Francesca:No. But Richard was in the army there. I married him when l was living in Naples,I didn’t know anything about Iowa. I just cared that it was America,and of course,being with Richardson.

Robert:What’s he like?

Francesca:He is very clean and—


Francesca:Yeah,no,I mean—(laugh) ,he is a very hard worker,very caring,honest. He is gentle ,he is good father.



Robert:And you like living in Iowa,I guess.


Robert:Go ahead. I’m not going to tell anyone.

Francesca:Oh. I’m supposed to say,It’s just fine. It’s quiet. The people are really nice,and all that is true,mostly. It’s quiet and people are nice. In some ways,you know,we’ll help each other out. When someone is sick or hurt,all the neighbors come in. They pick corn,or harvest oats,whatever. When it’s been done,you’re going to town,you can leave your car unlocked,let the kids run around,don’t worry about them. Yea,there are lot of nice things about people here and I respect them for these qualities,but…


Francesca:Well,it is not what I dreamed of as a girl.

Robert:Yea. I scribbled something down the other day. I often do that when l am on the road. It goes like this,the old dreams or good dreams,they didn’t work out,but l had them. I don’t know what all that means,just thought it might be used someday. Well,anyway I think I kind of know how you feel.

Selected Scene 2:

Robert:Tell me why you’re not coming with me?

Francesca:How I keep turning it around in my mind—it doesn’t seem like the right thing.

Robert:For whom?

Francesca:For everyone. They’ll never be able to live through the talk. And Richard... will never be able to get himself all around this,it will break him in two-half. He doesn’t deserve this,as he never rude anyone else in his whole life.

Robert:(getting aggressive) Then he can move on as people move!

Francesca:His family has been on this farm for almost a hundred years. Richard doesn’t know how to live anywhere else. And the kids...

Robert:The kids are grown! You told me that they hardly talk to you.

Francesca:No,they don’t say much. But Carolyn’s 16. She’s just about to find out about all this for herself-she’s going to fall in love,she’s going to try and figure out how to build a life with someone. If I leave what does that say to her?

Robert:What about us?

Francesca:You’ve got to know deep down that the minute we leave here,everything will change.

Robert:Yeah. It could get better.

Francesca:No matter how much distance we put between us and this house,I carry it with me. And I’ll feel it every minute we’re together. I will start to blame loving you for how much it hurts. And then even these four beautiful days won’t be anything more than something sordid and a mistake.

Robert:Francesca,listen to me. You think what’s happened to us happens to just anybody?All we feel for each other were hardly...hardly to separate people now. Some people search their whole lives for this and never found it-others don’t even think it exists. You are going to tell me that this is the right thing to do,to give it up?

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