
第2章 什么是文学

Section One What Is Literature1.



1.What is literature?

This is a difficult question. Qualities often thought to be literary turn out to be crucial to non-literarydiscourses and practices as well. For instance, rhetorical devices have often been thought crucial to literaturebut have been considered purely ornamental in other sorts of discourses. Now, in non-literary texts—whetherFreud’s accounts of his psychoanalytic cases or works of philosophical arguments rhetorical devices are oftenemployed and playing important roles. In showing how rhetorical figures shape thought in other discourses,theorists demonstrate a powerful literariness at work in supposedly non-literary texts, thus complicating thedistinction between the literary and the non-literary.



The original source of literature arises from people’s interest in telling a story about some aspects ofhuman experiences. Literature and philosophy share a common parentage in the oral tradition of ancientGreece and Rome. The dynamic“sibling relationship”between literature and philosophy and the mostfruitful intersections of philosophy and literature can still be seen by an overview of the medieval, modern,and postmodern traditions though a post-Aristotelian division between literature and philosophy was made.

The public voice of literary works gives writers a platform for expressing political ideas or dissatisfaction. Thepublic voice is also the very reason politics has to be concerned with literature—writers threaten politicalstability. Literature and politics are closely interrelated and can never be separated. There is no end to thepossibilities of the topic“politics and literature”, because literature is politics. Science and technology asthe dynamic intellectual force has often influenced literary imagination of men and women of writers whohave embodied scientific ideas in their works; numerous examples can be taken to illustrate how sciencemay possibly bear on literary forms, for instance, George Eliot and her fiction, Darwin’s evolutionary theory,both of which demonstrate some scientific and technical themes have been reflected in literary works whilescience and technology have been turned into some elements of fictions. It’s not difficult to understand thedynamics between science and literature from the Romantic period to science fiction in the modern age. Now,with the arrival of the Internet, many scholars, having mastered the skills needed to blend traditional scholarlymethods with the newer technology, have created machine-readable texts, literary databases, A companionto Digital Humanities, etc. Since scholars intermingle ideas from literature, philosophy, history, linguistics,political theory, psychoanalysis and so on, why should they worry about whether the texts they’re reading areliterary or not?


Literature expresses or represents its culture which is its source or cause. Literature and culture areclosely interrelated. Culture includes and encompasses literature while literature is only the highlight of itsculture and a particular cultural practice. Different cultures affect defining literature. Differing ideas, beliefs,countries and historical periods not only affect the construction of literary standards but also affect definingliterature.


The“literariness”of non-literary phenomena indicates that the notion of literature continues to playa role and needs to be further discussed. What is literature after all? The contemporary famous Americanliterary theorist Jonathan Culler concludes:“Literature is whatever a given society treats as literature—aset of texts that cultural arbiters recognize as belonging to literature.”But he continues: Such a conclusionis completely unsatisfying, of course. It simply displaces instead of resolving the question: rather thanask“what is literature?”we need to ask“what makes us (or some other society) treat something asliterature?”He also explains:“When language is removed from other contexts, detached from otherpurposes, it can be interpreted as literature.”“Literature is a speech act or textual event that elicits certainkinds of attention.”Reading such a text, readers attend to potential complexities and look for implicitmeanings, without assuming that the utterance is telling them to do something.


We can think of literary works as language with particular properties or features, and we can also thinkof literature as the product of conventions (language forms) and a certain kind of attention. From the linguisticperspective: Literature is language that“foregrounds”language itself. Literature is language in which thevarious elements and components of the text are brought into a complex relation. Literature is considered asfiction—literary works are fictional imitations of“real world”utterances. Literature is regarded as aestheticobject, i.e. the aesthetic function of language. Literature is considered as intertextual or self-reflexiveconstruct. The intertextuality and self-reflexivity of literature is not a defining feature but a foregroundingof aspects of language use and questions about representation that may also be observed elsewhere. Neitherperspective, it seems, can englobe the other to become the comprehensive perspective.

文学的界定是个见仁见智的问题。我国出版的《现代汉语词典》把文学定义为“以语言文字为工具形象化地反映客观现实的艺术,包括戏剧、诗歌、小说、散文等”。英国出版的《文学词汇词典》给文学下的定义是:文学是个含糊的术语,通常指属于史诗、戏剧、抒情诗、小说、短篇小说、颂歌等主要文体的着作。如果我们把某种东西叫做“文学”,相对其他任何东西而言,那个术语“文学”就带有质量的含义,暗指所谈的作品质量优秀,远在普通的作品之上。然而,很多着作并不能归入某种主要的文学类型,但由于它们的写作极有价值,具有独创性和普遍的审美及艺术成就,还是可以认为是文学的,如科学家达尔文的《物种起源》,历史学家J. B. 伯里的《罗马帝国衰亡史》等。《美国大学词典》对文学的定义是:文学是以表达永久而普遍兴趣的思想与有关的说法和形式为特征或基本特点的诗歌、虚构小说、历史、传记、散文等着作。文学是特定语言、时期、人民、主题等的所有作品的统称,如英语文学。《新牛津英语词典》定义文学为“是书写的,特别是那些被认为有优秀持久艺术价值的作品”。

Defining literature is a question that different people look at it in different ways and have differentviews. The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary published in our country defines literature as art of reflectingthe objective reality through images by the use of written languages, including drama, poem, novel, prose,etc. A Dictionary of Literary Terms published in Great Britain gives literature the definition: A vague termwhich usually denotes works which belong to the major genres: epic, drama, lyric, novel, short story, ode, etc.

If we describe something as“literature”, as opposed to anything else, the term carries with it qualitativeconnotations which imply that the work in discussed has superior qualities; that it is well above the ordinaryrun of written works. However, there are many works which cannot be classified in the main literary genreswhich nevertheless may be regarded as literature by virtue of the excellence of their writing, their originalityand their general aesthetic and artistic merits. For instance, scientist Darwin’s On the Origin of Species,historian J.B. Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, etc. The definition of literature given byThe American College Dictionary is that“writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideasof permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, romance, history,biography, essays, etc.”It is the entire body of writings of a specific language, period, people, subject, etc.:

the literature of England. The New Oxford Dictionary of English defines literature as“written works,especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit”.



2.The features of literature

By reading literary works and analyzing the definitions of literature mentioned above, we’ve come to seethe common features of different national literatures as follows.

2.1 文学是语言的艺术


2.1 Literature is the artistic use of language

Authors of literary works make use of language artistically. Most importantly, literary languageemphasizes connotative rather than denotative meanings of words. Unlike scientific language which mainlyemphasizes the denotative value of language, writers of literature use language in a more subtle manner—to bring into full play all the emotional associations that words may carry. A good case in point is the wordmother, whose denotation is simply the female parent, but the connotation may include such meanings asprotection, warmth, care, love, devotion, home, and a happy memory of one’s childhood. Thus, literature is theart of words, i.e. the artistic use of language.

2.2 文学是一种艺术



2.2 Literature is an art

Literature is an“art of reflecting the objective reality through images by the use of written languages”.

The literary work is a linguistic event which projects a fictional world that includes speaker, actors, events,and an implied audience. Authors make up or imagine some or all the materials. This is perhaps whyliterature is often thought of as imaginative literature. Even historical fiction, which chiefly relies on factualevents, is also fictional, as it includes characters, dialogues, events, and settings that never existed in history.

The fictional quality of literature also lies in the artistic control that writers exercise over the work. Thisartistic control produces the effect of stylizing the materials of the work, thus setting it apart from the real.

This occurs simply because there always exists an obvious disparity between literary phenomena and real life.

The source of literature is real life. But life as reflected in works of literature can and ought to be on a higherplane, more intense, more concentrated, more typical, nearer the ideal, and therefore more universal thanactual everyday life.

2.3 文学是真实的

尽管文学大多是“虚构的”,但它生来就有真实的本质。这样,文学就存在着一种——其想象的特性与其真实的人类情况的再现间的似非而是的论点。换句话说, 我们会发现文学在虚构性与真实性间有一种悖论。文学的真实性主要存在于下列三方面。

2.3 Literature is true

Despite that literature is mostly“fictional”, it has the innate nature of being true. Thus, there existsa paradox in literature—its imaginative properties against its representation of actual human conditions. Inother words, we can find in literature a paradox between fictionality and truth. There are mainly three ways forliterature to be true.




First of all, literature is true to the facts of real life. It directly states the depictions of real people, actualplaces, and existing events. More importantly, literature is true in the sense of its power of communicatingtruthful ideas of human life.

Then, literature is true because of the indirectly stated ideas that the authors present in literary works.

Though all the details of a literary work make up an imaginary world, such a world is based on the author’sideas about the real world.

Finally, what we readers usually encounter in literary works are the typical characters and probableactions. By imposing order on the chaos of real life, authors present characters who typify real people, andthey recount actions that would probably happen in real life. Because of this, we are often be able to findcharacters who represent recognizable types of people in real life.

2.4 文学是审美对象



2.4 Literature is aesthetic object

The aesthetic property of literature lies in its aesthetic function of language. For Immanuel Kant,the primary theorist of modern Western aesthetics, the aesthetic is the name of the attempt to bridge thegap between the material and the spiritual world, between a world of forces and magnitudes and a worldof concepts. Aesthetic objects, such as works of literature, music and paintings, with their combinationof sensuous form (languages, sounds, colours) and spiritual content (ideas), illustrate the possibility ofbringing together the material and the spiritual. A literary work is an aesthetic object because, with othercommunicative functions initially bracketed or suspended, it engages readers to consider the interrelationbetween form and content. Aesthetic objects have a“purposiveness without purpose”. There is apurposiveness to their construction: they are made so that their parts will work together towards some end.

But the end is the work of art itself, pleasure in the work or pleasure occasioned by the work. The pleasure weget from literature can be found in the way authors use literary techniques, such as metaphor, plot, character,symbolism, irony, suspense, theme, and rhythmic language. All such literary elements combine together toform an organic coherence of artistic beauty. Moreover, while experiencing beauty of literature, we can tracethe profound meanings in literature. Great authors are undoubtedly very competent to make the aestheticqualities of literature inextricably bound up with the ideas conveyed by their works. They use pleasurableconventions to enhance and communicate their themes.

2.5 文学的类型




小说,或叫散文小说,从广义来说,是用散文或韵文形式写的任何文学记事;从狭义来说,小说只指用散文写的记事,并且有时简直用作“(长篇)小说”的同义词。它通常有情节、人物、活动和对话。有时故事是“真的”,但更多时候不是。有的小说,如历史小说或自传小说,可能集中在真人上, 并且情节可能依托的是真实事件,但人物间的互动方式和情节如何展开就是作者自己的创造了。散文小说的本质就是叙事,叙述相连的一连串事件和活动。小说通常集中叙述一个或几个人物,如何处理与其他人物间的关系,如何试图解决他们间的问题,其结果也叙述了他们是如何变化和成长的。小说又可分成历史小说、心理小说、社会风俗小说、自然主义小说、现实主义小说、超现实主义小说、魔幻现实小说、后现代小说等。


2.5 Literary Classifications

Literary genres can not be considered as fixed labels but can be considered as histotical, cultural andideological specifics or construct, ever changing processes or interlacing fluid. Generally speaking, literaturemay be classified into four categories or genres: poetry, drama, prose fiction and nonfiction prose.

Poetry strives towards brevity if prose is expansive in the use of language. It offers the reader highpoints of emotion, reflection, thought and feeling with highly compacted syntax. Very often, poetry expressesthe most powerful and deeply felt experiences of human beings. Many exquisite poems become our lifelongfriends, and we visit them over and over again for insight, understanding, and peaceful reflection about ourlife. Poetry may be subclassified into lyric (including ode, ballad & sonnet), epic poetry (i.e. narrative poetry)and dramatic poetry.

Drama is literature designed for stage or film presentation by actors for the benefit and delight of theaudience. The essence of drama is the development of character and situation through speech and action.

Although most modern plays use prose dialogue, on the principle that the language of drama should resemblethe language of everyday speech, many plays from the past are in poetic form. Drama may be subclassifiedinto tragedy, comedy, tragicomedy, domestic drama and melodrama.

Fiction, or prose fiction, in an inclusive sense, is any literary narrative, whether in prose or verse. Ina narrower sense, fiction denotes only narratives that are written in prose and sometimes it is used simplyas a synonym for“novel.”It normally has a plot, characters, action and dialogue. Sometimes the storiesare“true”, but more often they are not. Some fiction, for instance, historical or autobiographical fiction,may focus on real people and the plot may be grounded in actual events, but the way characters interact andhow the plot unfolds are the author’s own invention. The essence of prose fiction is narration, the relating of asequence of events or actions. Fictional works usually focus on one or a few major characters who change andgrow as a result of how they deal with other characters and how they attempt to solve their problems. Prosefiction may be subclassified into historical novel, psychological novel, novel of manners, naturalistic novel,realist novel, surrealist novel, magical realist novels, postmodern fiction, etc.

Nonfiction prose refers to any piece of non-fiction writing. And recently, it is also called CreativeNonfiction. It is one of the most flexible and adaptable of all literary forms. It consists of essays, biography,autobiography, travels, memoir, natural landscape, figure profile, news reports, feature articles, historicalworks, etc. The main purpose of nonfiction prose is to present truths and make logical conclusions about thefactual world of history, science, and current events.


综上所述,我们得出多数人的结论。在学术界,大学教授们尽管喜好不同,但大都同意下述说法:大学文学课堂里讨论什么, 什么就是文学。从各种文本的文学性来看,文学可以下列方式定义:从广义来说,文学指在一个国家或在世界范围内,在一段时期或在整个历史时期内,用一种语言或多种语言写作的一切文章;从狭义来讲,文学指“世界上表达出来的最佳思想和言论”(马修·安诺德)。从人文主义观点来看,文学就是人生的呈现,文学就是人生的精髓。


To sum up what is discussed above, we’ve come to the conclusion of the majority. In academic circles,university professors, though having different favorites, most of them agree to the following statement:

Literature is what is discussed in university literary classes. From the literariness of texts of all sorts, literaturemay be defined in the following ways: In a broad sense, literature refers to all the literary compositions writtenin one or many languages, of one country or of the world, in one period or of the whole history. In the narrowsense, literature refers to“the best that has been thought and said in the world”(Matthew Arnold). From ahumanistic point of view, literature is the representation of human life. Literature is the essence of life.

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