
第10章 出生是人生的起点(2)

1.2 作者人生

1.2 The writer’s Life


It"s well known that the author of A Dream of Red Mansions is Cao Xueqin (1715—1763). Hispersonal name was Zhan. His courtesy name was Mengruan. His literay names were Xueqin,Qinpu or Qinxi.

He was born in Nanjing. His ancestral home was in what is now Liaoyang City, in Northeast China, and hisforebears, although Han Chinese themselves, had been accepted into the Manchu Right White Banner.

For three successive generations, a period of some 60 years, his ancestors had held the post of TextileCommissioner in Jiangning (Present-day Nanjing). His paternal great grandmother, surnamed Sun, hadbeen nursemaid to the infant who was later to become the Kangxi Emperor, and his grandfather, Cao Yin,had been the future emperor’s study companion and close attendant accompanying him when he came tothe throne on four of his six inspection tours of the south, a singular honor. After the death of Cao Yin, thefamily, under the headship of Cao Xueqing’s father Cao Fu, continued to enjoy the emperor"s favor, but whenthe Yongzheng Emperor ascended the throne, Cao Fu was removed from his office and punished on chargesof financial mismanagement and incompetence in the management of courier stations. The family propertywas confiscated, and the Caos’ halcyon days came to an end. They had to move from Nanjing to Beijing.

Cao Xueqin, who had spent his childhood in pampered luxury, now shared the family’s fate of a wretchedexistence. Dogged by poverty, he eventually moved to a rustic hovel with matting windows, earthen stove andrope-bed on the west outskirts of the capital. He was then so poor that his family sometimes had nothing moresubstantial to eat than porridge. The death of his young son in 1762 was a crushing blow to Cao, from whichhe never recovered. Unable to afford good medical treatment, he himself passed away on February 12, 1763,at the age of forty eight.


Cao Xueqin was haughty by nature, but an extremely talented literary man. He was also a painter wholiked painting stones, in a style described by a friend of his—Dun Min, as sturdy. But Cao’s fame rests on hismagnificent achievement in writing the full-length novel A Dream of Red Mansions.


A Dream of Red Mansions was written in circumstances of dire poverty, after Cao Xueqin had sufferedthe decline of his family fortunes from its heyday of power and affluence. The various contradictions inmoribund feudal society and the calamities befalling his own family due to struggles within the ruling classopened Cao Xueqin’s eyes to many significant social phenomena which he described most vividly in his book.

His life experiences not only provided the material for the novel, they also raised his awareness and temperedhis character. With A Dream of Red Mansions, Cao Xueqin bequeathed people with the tragic experiencesof his life, his deep insight into humankind’s inner worlds, his artistic invention of the novel’s structure andcharacters, and his great mastery of language.


Why did Cao Xueqin write A Dream of Red Mansions? In the opening chapter of the novel, heexplains: The author wanted to record certain of his past dreams and illusions, but he tried to hide the truefacts of his experience by using the allegory of the jade of“Spiritual Understanding”. Hence his recourseto names like“Zhen Shiyin”(homophone for“true facts concealed”). But what are the eventsrecorded in this book, and who are the characters? About this he explains further: in this busy, dusty world,having accomplished nothing, I suddenly recalled all the girls I had known, considering each in turn, and itdawned on me that all of them surpassed me in behavior and understanding; that I, shameful to say, for all mymasculine dignity, fell short of the gentler sex. But since this could never be remedied, it was no use regrettingit. There was really nothing to be done. I decided then to make known to all how I, though dressed in silkand delicately nurtured thanks to the imperial favour and my ancestors’ virtue, had nevertheless ignoredthe kindly guidance of my elders as well as the good advice of teachers and friends, with the result that Ihad wasted half my life and not acquired a single skill. But no matter how unforgivable my crimes, I mustnot let all the lovely girls I have known pass into oblivion through my wickedness or my desire to hide myshortcomings. Though my home is now a thatched cottage with matting windows, earthen stove and rope-bed,this shall not stop me from laying bare my heart. Indeed, the morning breeze, the dew of night, the willowsby my steps and the flowers in my courtyard inspire me to wield my brush. Though I have little learning orliterary talent, what does it matter if I tell a tale in rustic language to leave a record of all those lovely girls.

This should divert readers too and help distract them from their cares. That is why I use the other name“JiaYucun”(homophone for“fiction in rustic language”).



Then, how did he write A Dream of Red Mansions? In Chapter One, Cao Xueqin tells readers: If there’sno way of finding out the date, you can easily ascribe this tale to some time in the Han or Tang Dynasty.

But since all novels do that, I think my way of dispensing with this convention and just dealing with my ownadventures and feelings is more original. Why insist on a certain dynasty or definite date ? Besides, mostcommon people of the market-place much prefer light literature to improving books. The trouble is that somany romances contain slanderous anecdotes about sovereigns and ministers or cast aspersions upon othermen’s wives and daughters so that they are packed with sex and violence. Even worse are those writers ofthe breeze-and-moonlight school, who corrupt the youth with pornography and filth. As for books of thebeauty-and-talented-scholar type, a thousand are written to a single pattern and none escapes borderingon indecency. In order to insert a couple of their own love poems, the writers invent stereotyped heroes andheroines with the inevitable low characters to make troubles among them like clowns in plays, and make eventhe slave girls talk pedantic nonsense. So all these novels are full of contradictions and absurdly unnatural.

Much better are the girls I have known myself during my younger days. I wouldn’t presume to rank them assuperior to all the characters of earlier works, yet their stories may serve to dispel boredom and care whilethe few doggerels I have inserted may raise a laugh and add zest to wine. As for the scenes of sad partingsand happy meetings, prosperity and decline, these are all true to fact and not altered in the slightest to causea sensation or depart from the truth. At present the daily concern of the poor is food and clothing, while therich are never satisfied. All their leisure is taken up with amorous adventures, material acquisition or trouble-making. What time do they have to read political and moral treatises? I neither want people to marvel at thisstory of mine, nor do I insist that they should read it for pleasure; I only hope they may find distraction herewhen they are sated with food and wine or searching for some escape from worldly cares. By glancing overit in place of other vain pursuits, they may save their energies and prolong their lives, sparing themselvesthe harm of quarrels and arguments, or the trouble of chasing after what is illusory. Besides, this story offersreaders something new, unlike those hackneyed and stale hodge-podges of sudden partings and encounterswhich teem with talented scholars and lovely girls, for instance, Cao Zijian (192—232, Cao Cao’s youngerson, a noted poet of Wei State of the Three kingdoms Period), Zhuo Wenjun (the widow who married thescholar Sima Xiangru in the second century B.C), Hongniang (the maid and go-between in the Yuan dramaThe Western Chamber)and the like. Cao Xueqin in his Mourning-the-Red Studio pored over the book forten years and re-wrote it five times. He divided it into chapters, furnished headings for each, and renamed itThe Twelve Beauties of Jinling. He also inscribed on it this verse:

Pages full of fantastic talkPenned with bitter tears;All men call the author mad;None his message hears.



In writing A Dream of Red Mansions, in order to avoid the cruel penalties for subversive writing, theauthor had to write in a veiled, indirect way. Thus at the start of the novel the author tried to hide the truefacts of his experience by telling the myths of Nv Wa Repairing the Sky and the Pledge Between Plant andStone, hence his recourse to names of people Zhen Shiyin, Zhen Yinglian, Jia Yucun, etc, names of placesthe Home of Pleasure and Luxury, Blue Ridge Peak of Baseless Cliff of Great Waste Mountain, Illusory Landof Great Void, etc., names of ghosts and gods or goddesses, the Goddess of Disenchantment, the attendantShen Ying, the romantic souls, etc, by recording his dreams and illusions, poems and verses, lantern riddles,drinking games, drawing lots, songs and music, proper names, etc., hence his recourse to homophones (e.g. inIllusory Land of Great Void, the name of the tea the young maids present to Baoyu is Thousand Red Flowersin One Cavern, in which the word“Cavern”is the homophone for“sob”and the name of the wine is TenThousand Beauties in One Cup, in which the word“Cup”is the homophone for“grief”), implications (e.g.

In Wang Xifeng’s dream, Qing Keqing tells her that“after the three months of the spring, all flowers will fadeand each will have to find his own way out”which implies that it would be very short-sighted not to takethought for the future in the belief that our present good fortune will last for ever), indications (e.g. the Goddessof Disenchantment makes Baoyu“look at the three registers of the girls in his own household”, whichindicate the girls’ lives), etc. so that he could have the true facts concealed with fiction in rustic language. Inother words, the author could not openly present the true facts of the contemporary political struggle. He couldonly claim that his book“did not touch at all on current events”and that on the contrary“the main themewas love”. In fact, the great realist writer Cao Xueqin mounted a bitter attack on the evils of real politics. Onthe surface this novel deals largely with the love between Baoyu and Daiyu, but actually, through this story aswell as many other episodes in the book, the author penetratingly exposes the evils of the feudal system andthe crimes of the feudal rulers. It also describes the sufferings and revolt of the labouring masses, truthfullyreflecting the social contradictions in the last period of feudalism as well as the actual political struggles ofthe time. Besides his way of dispensing with this convention and just dealing with his own adventures andfeelings is more original and writing in a veiled, indirect way, a striking contrast is another most outstandingwriting method, for example, the striking contrasts between Zhen Baoyu and Jia Baoyu, between the Ladydowager and Granny Liu, between Illusory Land of Great Void and the actual society, between the rulers’

world centered by men outside the Grand View Garden and the ruled world centered by women inside theGrand View Garden,etc. Just as Lu Xun observed in The Historical Development of Chinese Fiction:“Theappearance of this novel marked a break with traditional ideas and methods of writing.”


Cao Xueqin’s great distinction is not only having written a great novel A Dream of Red Mansions withconsummate art and perfect technique, but also having introduced a new and higher conception of life andlove into Chinese literature and society.


Cao Xueqin’s life is one that is shining brilliantly for ever. The beauty of A Dream of Red Mansionsby Cao Xueqin can exist for ever just as the beauty praised in Shakespearean Sonnet XVIII. Therefore, CaoXueqin is always living in the hearts of all readers on earth—by writing A Dream of Red Mansions, Mr Caohas embodied his life in his everlasting works. His life is consequently prolonged for ever—his body is deadwhile his fame is undying. He’s still living on in spirit. Isn’t it worth our learning and study?

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