A mountain is beyond my images
Which turns into countless sorrowful pupils
To start the 23-stringed instrument of kung-hou which is playing tragedy
Therefore, I turn and leave
— Flame, the fairy of desire and creation
Gently taps at your door and awakens you
Suddenly from your alarm and last hope
Let blood surges pain
Let the soul and flesh of deity leave different colors
At the fracture surface of continuous mountains
Oh, human beings
You leave while palpitating
The wilderness carves doleful eyes
To fill lonely flowery trees
Let sharp past events forever prick pain
Her tender breast
To build the load of history
The rut season wells up the full breasts
Shaking off the years of sorrow overflowing with stars
To create magnanimity, to call for love
Oh, you, the peak of baptism of birth & death and of sculpture
To dive in the rotating flower pattern
To rise in bloodstained wander
To step into the cloudy eyes of history
Oh, mountain trip
I am waiting for you — my love song of images